How long is the river rother

The hypothesis we expect to be proven correct that the valley does make a 'V' shape and closer you get to the mouth the 'V' shape turns into a 'U' shape. We will take the width measurement and depth measurement and create a cross section of the river for each location.

We will have an OS map of each location and use the keys to note down the land use. We will colour in the the land uses in different colour and after wards use a Ten by Ten grid squared and count up the number of square for each one and calculate the percentage out of a hundred for each one. We will then out this into a pie chart to show the percentages. The hypothesis we expect to be proven wrong for the land use to be the same as a typical river's land use.

At this stage of the river it should be every slow and narrow and shallow. There should be many obstructions in the way of the river. It is because of all these obstructions that the river is flowing slowly. There will be steep valley sides a, 'V', shaped valley and several waterfalls.

There should be interlocking spurs. The land use should be over run by Pastoral Farmland and Woodland, Settlement. The volume should be small due to the large amount of obstructions and the shape of the valley which is due to the Interlocking Spurs hard rock. The river should be wider than the upper course. The valley flor should be wider, faster flowing water and the volume should increase due to the change in the channel's shape.

The valley shape should start to change more like a 'U' shape. Pastoral Farmland and Woodland will dominate the land use. The river has already started to widen so at this stage it is becoming even wider and the valley into a more pronounced 'U' shape. From this the river is much large and deeper and volume is larger. The river should now be flowing much faster because there are very little obstructions in the way.

Pastoral and Arable Farmland should dominate the land use. This stage should have the largest depth of the whole river because it is a deep 'U' shape and the width is very wide.

The speed as increased to its top speed because there is no obstructions in the way now and if there is every few. The main feature that should be found here is the mouth of the river that leads out to the Ocean. The flood plain is very large and the land use is all mainly Slat Marsh Land and Mud Flats so it unused and there is Industry. The data that is being shown is the width of Battle, Sedlescombe, Bodiam and Rye.

Rye had the largest width in between each bank leaving Battle the smallest. Rye has the largest width between each bank, this is because Rye is the lower course of the river and has no obstructions in the rivers path so it is the fastest flowing and erodes the banks faster. It is also the location where the mouth of the river, where it enters the sea. However, we did have to get this from a secondary source. Battle has the smallest width; this is because it is located in the upper course and the speed of the river here is at its slowest and is unable to erode the banks as freely as the lower course.

The erosion found in the upper course is Vertical Erosion this is why in the upper course the river is shaped as a 'V'. The most common type of erosion found in the middle course of the river is Lateral Erosion, which is why the river gets wider as you carry on further on down the river. The textbook theory from the textbook that the river gets bigger, in lateral erosion and vertical erosion, as you get near to the mouth of the river.

The data that shows the depth of Battle, Sedlescombe, Bodiam and Rye. From the upper course to the mouth the rivers depth got larger. Starting with Battle, which had the smallest depth of, only had 37cm, Sedlescombe with 50cm, Bodiam 97cm and Rye with the largest out of them with cm.

The data for Battle may have been altered due to the heavy rain on the day, which may have caused erosion. However, previously very dry weather had led to low volume of water. The depth at Rye we have had to get from a secondary source due to the difficult fact that we are unable to measure. From the data, it shows very clearly that the rivers depth does increase as it goes along.

This is due to the transportation of more water and material, which erodes vertically, this, is the act of it eroding downwards and laterally, which of it eroding across.

The theory from the textbook agrees with our hypothesis and what we have found, the river does get bigger in lateral erosion and vertical erosion, as you draw nearer to the month of the river.

The speed of Battle was the slowest with 0. The change in the speed is very noticeable when the river gets to Bodiam lower middle course the speed increases by 1. This is because this is the point of confluence were two rivers meet. Battle and Sedlescombe are the tributary river from the River Brede, when a tributary river meet the speed and volume of the river increases.

Because the volume increases that means there is more water in the river and from that there less obstructions in the way, so the river speed goes much faster. The theory from the textbook agrees with our hypothesis and what we have found, the river does get fast as you draw nearer to the mouth of the river. The valley at Battle is quite deep at the sides and not very deep in the middle.

The shape is shaped like a 'U' but this maybe be because of the bridge that goes over the top of the river. Battle has a small valley that had been enlarged by the bridge. Therefore, this affected our results slightly but the valley was meant to be 'V' shaped. Sedlescombe is a lot flatter than Battle and it is wider. But we where only able to measure one side of the valley, so our interpretation is an estimate due to privet land but it still has the typical shape of a 'U' which is what we expected to find.

Bodiam has a very wide valley floor and the valley slopes where at an angle making a rough 'U' shape like a typical river at this stage. Rye, we where unable to measure because the valley floor was too large. However, this is what we expected to find because it is the last stage of the river, the mouth. The theory from the textbooks is that the valley goes from a 'V' shape valley to a 'U' shape valley.

This is due to hard rock being in the upper course of the river and because the high lands are mainly rock it is harder for the river to erode the away at the banks so it's a narrow shape forming a 'V' shape but the river winds around the hard rock a pattern like a snake.

As you carry on down the river the hard rock starts to get erode so what is left are interlocking spurs, these also erode over time crating a wider valley floor crating a 'U'shape.

In it was abandoned formally. There was also a connection to Petworth via a short canal. The river is partly fed by springs in the chalk slopes of the South Downs which tend to flow at a constant temperature and volume. This steady flow also powered several mills along the river and larger streams. The flour mill at Coultershaw , to the south of Petworth continued working into the s, still partly powered by the river.

Imported bread wheat being collected from the nearby Petworth railway station, which was at that time still open to goods traffic. With a catchment area of around km 2 , the river receives numerous tributaries from its source to the confluence with the river Arun. Find out more and view past issues here. Please choose an option below. Especially for paddleboarders. Full insurance details are available on the British Canoeing website here.

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