When do i shock my hot tub

Sign In Forgot password? New customers: SpaDepot. Your cart is empty. Continue shopping to add items to your cart. Order Summary Edit Cart. How-to Guides. What is Shock Treatment? Non-Chlorine Shock - regular use for maintenance Non-chlorine shock is monopersulfate compound, often called MPS for short.

Dichlor Shock - occasional use to clear up problems Dichlor shock is a form of chlorine often called sodium dichlor. When to Shock It is a good practice to shock with dichlor when you refill your spa. With Alternative Water Purifiers Many people have switched to alternative purification systems such as Cleanwater Blue or Nature2 to get away from chlorine.

Dosages The amount of shock to use will depend on the bather load, and which water sanitization system you have chosen. OxySpa "Great quality, fantastic price and fast shipping. What else can I say except thanks! Hot tub water with a low pH and high chlorine level will damage the hot tub. Shocking your hot tub should only be done when the chlorine levels are very low and when there is too much scum or bacteria in the water. It will take days after adding sanitizer to the water for the sanitizer to get depleted or used up to a point when you have to shock the water.

Chlorine for instance lasts in a hot tub between 3 days during very heavy use and 7 days during regular use. Heavy use here means constant use by a large number of people for days. Bromine sanitizer which is a bit less potent than chlorine lasts longer in a hot tub.

Bromine can last up to 8 days in a hot tub and still remain active. So take it easy on the hot tub shock. You should add a sanitizer, either bromine or chlorine to the hot tub after refilling it. Then you should test for the properties of the water and adjust it as needed with the right chemicals.

After refilling your hot tub with fresh water, the first chemical to add is a hot tub sanitizer of your choice. You can pick chlorine, bromine, or any other alternative.

The sanitizer will remove all impurities in the hot tub and keep the water clean for the first few days. Chlorine is the most common hot tub sanitizer. Most hot tub users prefer to use chlorine as their sanitizer because it is more potent than any other sanitizer.

Chlorine is very effective in ridding your hot tub water of any contaminant, bacteria, or germs and it dissolves fast in the water. A major disadvantage of chlorine is the strong offensive odor of chloramines that it produces after usage. Bromine is another popular choice for hot tub users that have very sensitive skin. Bromine is much gentler than chlorine but it is more expensive which is a disadvantage.

Other common choices of hot tub sanitizers include biguanide, minerals, UV ultraviolet light and some hot tubs use salt through the salt cell chlorinator. Some of these bacteria, like Biofilm, are not particularly dangerous but can cause unclear water. However, there are other forms of bacteria like Legionella that can cause serious illness to you and your guests.

Shock can be used to maintain a clean tub and a balanced PH. Shocking your Tub reactivates bromides in the spa. Some Hot Tubs use bromine instead of chlorine for sanitizing. Weekly application of shock helps your bromine to do its job cleaning your tub. To conclude: Shocking is important for maintaining clear water and guaranteeing the safety of your bathers. These chemicals remove and eradicate unsavory molecules and give your non-chlorine sanitizer a boost in doing its job.

It can also help eliminate the need to drain and refill your tub. Because of the chemical compound of shock, as discussed in the previous sections, shock should always be used carefully, according to the package.

You must wait minutes before entering the tub after application, and of course, PH testing is always a good idea. Basically, that pool pump you run for the proper amount of time every day , the pipes that connect it to your pool, the sanitizing chemicals you add But hang on: calcium hypochlorite is not for you. There are many types of shock on the market , and sometimes it can feel overwhelming to choose. Easy, right? Like all quality swimsuits, spa shock is not one size fits all.

Not sure how many gallons your hot tub holds? You just have to multiply the length, width, and depth of your spa in feet, and then multiply that figure by 7. If you think better with formulas, follow the one below:. Keep your greater circulation system in top shape with the 1.

This robust and thorough pump is the most reasonable decision any pool owner can make : comes with a lifetime warranty, is eligible for rebates, and pays itself off in under one year. To properly add spa shock, just follow the steps below. And remember: safety gloves and goggles are recommended. Need better circulation for your above-ground pool system?

With different horsepower options, the Copper Force Pool Pump runs cool, quiet, and includes a start capacitor to eliminate failure-prone mechanics found in other above-ground pumps. Throughout the season, I recommend you use spa shock once a week—at the least.

If your hot tub is in use frequently, or by many people, you should do up to twice weekly. Seems like a lot? And what makes this even better? Not only have you kept irritants at bay, but you can be sure the water is safe. All the more reason to enjoy.


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