Fetus Size Your baby is about the size of cabbage during week Fetus Size Your baby is about the size of a pineapple during week Fetus Size Your baby is about the size of a honeydew during week Fetus Size Your baby is about the size of celery during week The following charts list the values of kids ranging from the 25 th percentile all the way to the 75 th percentile for both height and weight. Because of this, the values listed in the charts apply to half of children with a quarter being smaller than these values and a quarter being larger than them.
Fetal Weight Chart. Fetal Weight Chart Notes: When looking at the fetal weight chart, it is important to keep in mind that length measurements are measured differently at different stages in development. Irregular heartbeat is common at this period, it is called fetal arrhythmias. When the heart is totally formed, the arrhythmia will disappear. You can consult a sonographer or a perinatologist to learn more about this phenomenon. The fetus is in the womb can behave differently: be both passive and active, depending on his temper.
Some babies behave calmly, while others are constantly moving. Therefore, the behavior of the baby during the pregnancy will influence his after birth activity. Pain in the abdomen and under the ribs can be caused by the growing uterus, which presses the internal organs. Hormones may also cause pain aimed at softening your ligaments and joints. You can ease the pain lying on the side, as in this position the pressure of the uterus is reduced. Tired leg cramps and headaches are common for the third trimester, the rest is the best cure for these conditions.
When lying, elevate your legs with a pillow in order to reduce the load on them. The headache will pass quickly in an aerated, fresh and shaded room. Lower back pain are caused by the hormone changes and the gradual shift of the load, so you need to help your back by putting aside high heels, doing gymnastic or pregnant yoga, and wearing a maternity belt.
The ever-increasing weight may cause painful sensations, therefore, you should carefully control your weight during the pregnancy. Each week you should gain no more than g ounces. Keeping to the diet and eating healthy helps to maintain your body in a good shape. You should cut the consumption of allergenic products, such as orange berries and fruits, eggs, milk, honey, chocolate, cocoa.
During this period the various smoked food, fast food, soda and fried dishes are forbidden. You should eat boiled, baked and steamed products with a small amount of salt, which detains water and contributes to the swelling.
Moderate consumption of sweet things will keep health both mother and child. At the 26th week of pregnancy the breasts are growing fast, so take care about the nipples in order to prepare them for feeding the baby. To do so, rub the breasts with cool water or a hard towel, take air baths. If there are no medical contraindications, you can have sex at the 26th week of pregnancy.
At 26 weeks pregnant, baby is as big as a head of kale. Your week fetus measures about 14 inches and weighs about 1. Twenty-six weeks pregnant is six months pregnant, though pregnancy is generally tracked by week, not month. At 26 weeks pregnant, trimester two is nearly over. Get ready for the final stretch! Your 26 weeks pregnant symptoms are mostly discomforts—and are steadily getting more uncomfortable as baby grows and your body begins to make changes to get ready for childbirth.
You might be starting to feel a little anxious about birth, though. If you are, start thinking seriously about what you hope for your birth experience. Your belly will keep growing about a half inch each week for the rest of your pregnancy. In fact, the majority of babies in utero are active in the evening or at night! Baby is getting their immune system ready for life on the outside by soaking up your antibodies.