The host reviews videos he discovers either personally or through a user and usually keeps up-to-date by immediately broadcasting exceptionally viral videos in the following episode. However, more than once has he reviewed older, lesser-known videos he wishes to share. During "pre-production" the host selects the videos and writes a script revolving around the three which may or may not be relevant to each other. Shooting of Equals Three episodes has nearly always taken place at Ray's home by himself.
It is shot generally inside, like in his first living room, in his New York City bedroom and in his Los Angeles apartment though on rare occasions they have been shot outside. Filming has transitioned in his later episodes to a Los Angeles studio. At first simple, vlog-like productions, Equals Three episodes have been improved with time as Ray introduced the Watchmen wallpaper for example and then used superior lighting as well as upgraded video and audio recording hardware.
Current episodes are available in p. Post-production mainly editing of Equals Three episodes is what has evolved the most since the start of the show. Originally the show was fast-paced with Ray speaking quickly while developing his thoughts and including only some puns for comedic value. The hectic pace gradually slowed down in regards to the international audience Ray gathered and nowadays the host emphasizes more on simply mocking or reacting to the content instead of speaking his mind.
Since the very beginning, Ray interacted indirectly with videos and reused the content in the context of the show in order to repeat a joke or underline a point. This manipulation of reviewed videos is more present in the latest episodes although now used near-exclusively for comedic effect.
From a cinematographic point of view, Equals Three has only very slightly changed since its debut in The camera is always fixed while Ray is sitting in earlier episodes or standing in later episodes and currently in front and facing the camera.
He utilizes the jump cut method and leans left or right for each shot. RayWilliamJohnson Wiki Explore. Ray William Johnson Anna Akana. Wiki Staff. Head Admins The Wiggles. Affiliated Wikis. YourFavoriteMartian Wiki. Explore Wikis Community Central.
Register Don't have an account? The Equals Three Show. Edit source History Talk 0. The original look of Equals Three. This is obviously false. However, if we run the same equation with loose equality…. We get true? Why is this? It has to do with falsy values in JavaScript. Type coercion will actually convert our zero into a false boolean, then false is equal to false.
There are only six falsy values in JavaScript you should be aware of:. These are things you should ultimately memorize if you will be working with JavaScript often. When comparing any of our first three falsy values with loose equality, they will always be equal!
When comparing null and undefined , they are only equal to themselves and each other:. If you try to compare null to any other value, it will return false. Lastly, NaN is not equivalent to anything.
Thanks for reading! I publish 4 articles on web development each week. Follow me on Twitter too: BrandonMorelli. Bursts of code to power through your day. Web Development articles, tutorials, and news. Sign in. JavaScript — Double Equals vs. Triple Equals. Learn equality in JavaScript in 3 minutes.
Brandon Morelli Follow. The Problem JavaScript has two visually similar, yet very different , ways to test equality. Double equals When using double equals in JavaScript we are testing for loose equality. String 77 does not strictly equal '77' because they have different types. NaN Lastly, NaN is not equivalent to anything. Memorizing the six falsy values and the rules associated with them can go a long way towards understanding loose equality.
Triple Equals is superior to double equals. Whenever possible, you should use triple equals to test equality. By testing the type and value you can be sure that you are always executing a true equality test. Closing Notes: Thanks for reading! Written by Brandon Morelli Follow. More From Medium. Add a Translation Feature to Your Next. Yingqi Chen in CodeX.