What happens if obama loses

Because if we are United, we can do anything! Think about THAT! Let me ask you a question What Happens if Obama Loses the Left? Community This content is not subject to review by Daily Kos staff prior to publication. Please log in or sign up to continue. Recommend Unrecommend Add to Blog. Edit Tags. Done Editing Tags. Share this article. Well GolLEE! But the Issue-Left? Oh, they are not happy at all! People, Issues people, are getting awfully damned tired of Obama pandering to the Right While at best ignoring But Obama panders to them The Right is rabidly against Obama.

Nothing is going to change that. Has he thought about that? Especially those of you who insist on insulting, belittling and marginalizing the Issue People? No matter how long you wait. I promise. That will be followed by a great deal of petulance by the most ardent supporters mentioned above. He will never be my president. Then the recriminations will start within the Democratic Party. The Clintons will certainly be at the forefront of these. The election will have revealed flaws in Obama and in retrospect he will appear to be a weak candidate, though there will be no way to have known this in advance.

My only misgiving will be that Obama will have a Democratic Congress; if the Republicans were in control I would probably vote for Obama. I dunno if that would happen in the general, but it does strike me as having a reasonably good chance of happening.

Not to mention the charges that he only lost because he was black and therefore America is a racist country. I thought it was going to be a bizarre election, but this is getting surreal. And with O spending five times as much—will that money help stimulate the economy? Or will the mob in Chicago be wanting their investment back?? And any guesses on what all they will be wanting to impeach McCain for? The odor of the stuff you are full of infects this site.

Whereas your messiah, B. Hussein Obama pledged to take public financing. He reneged on that pledge. Does your simple mind question what else he lied about? The Kaiser Family Foundation estimated that 40 percent of people from 18 to 65 with opioid addiction — roughly , — are on Medicaid, many or most of whom became eligible for it through the health law.

Kaiser also found that in , Americans with Medicaid coverage were twice as likely as those with no insurance to receive any treatment for addiction. States with expanded Medicaid are spending much more on medications that treat opioid addiction than they used to.

The growing insured population in many states has also drawn more treatment providers, including methadone clinics , inpatient programs and primary care doctors who prescribe two other anti-craving medications, buprenorphine and naltrexone. These significant expansions of addiction care could shrink if the law were struck down, leaving a handful of federal grant programs as the main sources of funds. The law protects many Americans from caps that insurers and employers once used to limit how much they had to pay out in coverage each year or over a lifetime.

Among them are those who get coverage through an employer — more than million before the pandemic caused widespread job loss — as well as roughly 15 million enrolled in Obamacare and other plans in the individual insurance market.

While not all health coverage was capped, most companies had some sort of limit in place in The vast majority of people never hit those limits, but some who did were forced into bankruptcy or went without treatment. About 60 million people are covered under Medicare, the federal health insurance program for people 65 and older and people of all ages with disabilities. Even though the main aim of the A. If the A. They would also have to pay more toward their prescription drugs.

About five million people faced the so-called Medicare doughnut hole, or coverage gap, in , which the A. If the law were overturned, that coverage gap would widen again.

The law also made other changes, like cutting the amount the federal government paid hospitals and other providers as well as private Medicare Advantage plans. If you are getting taxed on it then in general yes. With so much going on it is hard to make sure every page has all the latest advice. I had Obama care.

It sucked. As soon as I could I dropped it and got a different company. My premiums were high.


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