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High-dynamic-range HDR play is one of…. Sign up for free! What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived Page 1 of 2 Last. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. User Info: gans User Info: FuneralCake. If you can figure out how these "random" events are generated, you can use it to your advantage to get Pokemon with perfect IVs, shinies, etc. It's also totally cheating and you should never do it.
User Info: KatimariDamashi. Random number generator. As far as seeing it on the board we're referring to RNG abuse since the pokemon generation process is just seemingly random, but can actually be predicted accurately if you obtain a bit of information your trainer id, secret id, mac address, ect.
Rng abuse is used to easily obtain "perfect" pokemon perfect referring to perfect IVs, the correct nature, ability, and shininess. FuneralCake posted I respectfully disagree. The way I see it, RNGing is simply making full use of the mechanics that the game uses. You're not using an action replay to hack in illegitimate pokemon, your going out and catching the pokemon that you want. All that is required is an external program to tell you what time to initiate the game in order to capture said pokemon, and nothing else.
Using knowledge of how the game works, and profiting off of it can hardly be called cheating, in my opinion. User Info: Jeeoorgia. Can anyone explain how to RNG something? This is one loaded request.
I will simply link you to the place you should go to to learn. Be prepared to spend quite a few hours learning to RNG. However, don't give up because once you know how to RNG it is relatively quick and easy. You will be getting Pokemon with flawless IVs, and shiny if you want, in no time at all. BUT, you need to read up before you ask a million questions. Pokemon X FC : All men are created equal Soulsilver FC: It is your choice to believe. User Info: HomeRowed.
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