Modern historians strive to be objective What does it mean to be objective? Is relatively an adverb? Is professionally an adverb? What does manner of acting mean? What does transparent manner mean? What is the objective of song of the rain by gibran? What is prose written with the primary purpose of explaining arguing or describing in an objective straightforward manner? What does irritably mean? What does job objective mean? What is a Hair Salon Business objective and goals?
Why should documents and reports be written in an impartial manner? What does grossly mean? What does mannerism mean in drama terms? What is your work objective? Does In a specified manner mean gradually? Does objective and determinants mean same?
What is the objective of accounting standards? What does ''character's ultimate objective'' mean? Trending Questions. Instruments that use a thin skin-like material that is stretched over another object is known as? What is the product of 0. Still have questions? Find more answers. Previously Viewed. Words nearby objective object glass , objectification , objectify , objection , objectionable , objective , objective case , objective complement , objective correlative , objective danger , objective genitive.
Don't subject yourself to more confusion—learn the difference between "subjective" and "objective" right now and always use them correctly. Resume Guide, Steps 2—3: Contact Information And Objective This article provides an overview of the contact information you should include in your resume and how to craft an effective objective.
Words related to objective disinterested , evenhanded , open-minded , dispassionate , unbiased , equitable , detached , nonpartisan , intention , aspiration , ambition , purpose , target , cold , straight , cool , end , object , mission , mark.
How to use objective in a sentence Startup leaders and investors were influenced by these societal movements as much as by new research helping them understand how ESG can help advance business objective s in venture capital.
Eugene Robinson February 2, Ozy. Adnan Killed Her! No, Jay Did It! God vs. In English the objective case of pronouns is also used in many elliptical constructions as in Poor me! Who, him? Also called: objective point military a place or position towards which forces are directed.
Britannica English: Translation of objective for Arabic Speakers. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! Log in Sign Up.
Save Word. Essential Meaning of objective. Full Definition of objective Entry 1 of 2. Definition of objective Entry 2 of 2. Keep scrolling for more. Other Words from objective Adjective objectiveness noun. Choose the Right Synonym for objective Adjective material , physical , corporeal , phenomenal , sensible , objective mean of or belonging to actuality.
I can't be objective about my own child Noun intention , intent , purpose , design , aim , end , object , objective , goal mean what one intends to accomplish or attain. Examples of objective in a Sentence Adjective For no matter how objective Server tries to appear in detailing the highs and lows of her 67 years—the three marriages, the numerous affairs, the binges, the nightlong cruising of low-life byways and bordellos, the mainly poor movies she was in—he cannot really hide his essential fondness for her.
Most historians wouldn't have voted for me, so I don't think they can write an objective history. Bush , quoted in Time , 6 Sept. And it's very hard to be objective about what you're doing in a town that's all consumed by the entertainment business.
Kennedy , Atlantic , March The President had largely stuck to his publicly stated goals—though the objective of smashing Iraq's military machine hadn't been so clear.
She's expanding the business with the objective of improving efficiency. We've set specific objectives for each day.