Continue forward and hop across to the next root top in front of you and turn right and head towards where the skull building location is. This is usually Checkpoint 6. The building will be in front and to the right. Hop across to skull building roof top and soon as you make the landing turn immediately right and kill the jackal that appears to the right and behind you between two building walls.
This is Jackal 4. From here make your way over and down to the skull closet on the far side of this building where the skull should appear. Checkpoint 7 would normally appear here. Level : High Charity. Effect : When playing co-op, if either player dies the game restarts you at your last checkpoint.
The effect resembles the effect already in place on Legendary difficulty, making it a somewhat redundant skull. Directions : When you enter the final the second large Gravity Lift do not confuse with smaller ones throughout the level after passing the Inner Sanctum, look up.
A skull will pass through you extremely quickly so you must start holding X a bit before you actually pass it to grab hold of it. Effect : Enemies have more health and shielding, and are therefore harder to kill. Note: health and shielding increase more as the enemies rise in rank. A red Grunt will not gain as much health as a white Grunt.
Similarly, a blue Elite Minor will gain a small bit of health, but an Ultra Elite will gain a ridiculous amount of both shielding and health, to the point that a Plasma Pistol overcharge won't drop their shields even halfway. Besides that, it also makes your allies gain a small bit of health, and the skull will make allies immune to being meleed.
Effect : The mass of certain objects is severely reduced, making them fly further when smacked with a melee hit, or when they are near an explosion. Weapon damage seems to have strengthened slightly. It also has the added effect of making enemies turn around when you hit them, allowing you to kill them in two hits.
With the Sputnik skull's effect in place, players can reach nearly impossible places and much higher altitudes using Grenade Jumps. Also, your melee has strengthened force. This skull can be used to obtain the Scarab Gun by allowing the player to reach massive heights, and is a key component if you want to get the Soccer Ball Easter egg. Effect: That's Just Wrong strengthens the hearing of both allies and enemies.
They will now notice the slightest sound of reloading or drawing a weapon, footsteps, etc. All computer-controlled characters have better accuracy. Effect : Causes most enemy and ally units to be their highest rank. Elites and Grunts will become Ultras, Jackals will become Majors orange shields , Sentinels will be Majors gold except for the ones in the levels the Arbiter and the Oracle , Brutes will become Captains and all Flood Elites will have shields.
Note : Any enemy units that have spawned, previous to you acquiring the skull, will remain at the same rank they spawned as. You also don't need to melee the trashcan out of the way, but it will reveal an interesting hidden object. Near the skull is a burning cigar that looks like a Sweet William Cigar , the type that Sergeant Johnson is seen using. The Catch skull on a ledge, high above the entrance into the area, in Halo 2: Anniversary. The Mythic skull floating above a dead Flood combat form in a vent in Halo 2: Anniversary.
Article Discussion Edit History. Redirected from Halo 2 Skulls. This section is about the skulls in the game. The Assassins skull flanked by two invisible Sangheili in Halo 2: Anniversary. The Envy skull and two invisible Sangheili in Halo 2: Anniversary.
The Black Eye skull on the top of the control room in Halo 2: Anniversary. The Blind skull, four grenades, and a spotting scope in Halo 2: Anniversary. The Famine skull surrounded by dead Flood combat forms in Halo 2: Anniversary. The Ghost skull sitting above the doorway in Halo 2: Anniversary. The Iron skull in the middle of the gravity lift in Halo 2: Anniversary. The Sputnik skull floating in midair in Halo 2: Anniversary. The That's Just Wrong skull on top of a crate in Halo 2: Anniversary.
The Thunderstorm skull and the displaced trashcan in Halo 2: Anniversary. Categories : Tricks and cheats Halo 2 Easter eggs Skulls. Meta category: Articles with broken file links. Contribute Halopedia's pages can be edited. Is this page incomplete?
Is there anything wrong? Change it! Edit this page Discuss this page Page history. Recent contributors to this article The following users recently contributed to this page:. Contents 1 Background 2 Campaign order 3 List of known skulls 3.
Wrong 3. Level : Gravemind Difficulty : Legendary Effects : Enemies and allies fire their weapons faster and more frequently. Directions : After saving both groups of Marines , the player reaches the first outdoor area with dirt and vegetation. Take a right as entering the area and run up to the wall past the Gravity lift that leads up to the Deployable lookout tower. Get on top of the wall by going up the dirt mound on your left.
Follow the wall and an invisible Unggoy Heavy will spawn wielding a Type fuel rod gun. Kill him and reach the floating skull called "Anger". Assassins [ edit ] The Assassins skull flanked by two invisible Sangheili in Halo 2. Directions : Immediately after the first gondola ride following the battle with the Mgalekgolo , you will arrive at a building with two turrets on it.
Enter the building and turn to your right. Jump on the cube structure, then jump to the adjacent light fixture, then to the ledge. The ledge leads to the balcony with the two turrets. Once there, use Grenade Jump to get onto the roof area.
Once you have gone as far as you can go you will find a small grassy area with two Stealth Elites holding Energy Swords one can be assassinated, the other cannot in their "angry stance" and the Assassins skull between them.
Directions : Progress through the level until you need to escort Sergeant Johnson 's Scarab , to Installation 05 's Control room. Directly above the door that Johnson blows open with the Scarab is an angled beam. Land your Banshee on this beam and walk to the top of the beam.
Look down and to your left and you will see a circular angled wall. Jump onto this wall and walk to the top. Walk straight along the right-hand side of this area.
You will have to jump over a small beam in front of you. Continue walking straight until you come to a grassy area. Keep walking up the grassy hill and go until you come to the point where can jump onto the angled support for the tower meets the grass.
Jump onto the support and walk up the support. It's a very steep climb, so jumping while you're going up the support speeds up the walk some. At the first landing you will see the Black Eye skull sitting on a glowing white panel on the floor.
Blind [ edit ] The Blind skull, four grenades, and a spotting scope in Halo 2. Directions : Immediately at the beginning of the level, go through the door and kill the Unggoy there. Backtrack and right above the first door you came through there is a light. Crouch Jump onto that and either Crouch Jump or Grenade Jump again Crouch jumping is easier , and you should be on the roof or you can get the Sputnik skull and only use one grenade. Look for a space between the two buildings, and go into it, at the end there should be four M9 fragmentation grenades , a spotting scope, and the skull in front of them.
Catch [ edit ] The Catch skull on a ledge, high above the entrance into the area, in Halo 2. Directions : Right after exiting from the underground highway, you'll come to a large open-air circular area with a handful of Jackal Snipers and some Elites. The quickest way to get safely to the skull is to get the next checkpoint by jumping into the Warthog and drive to the next area. Backtrack to the large area, and clear the enemies. Alternatively, you can skip through the area until you reach where you find the Wraiths attacking the building where the Marines are but you don't have to fight them and then go back and the enemies will be gone when you go back.
There is a large semi-circular beam going from one of the main platforms that goes from the ground up to the top of the two towers. Do a Grenade Jump at the bottom of this beam and walk all the way to the top. Jump over to the ledge of the left tower.
Walk to the end of the ledge and you will find the Catch skull. The Sputnik skull may be helpful if you have trouble Grenade Jumping. Envy [ edit ] The Envy skull and two invisible Sangheili in Halo 2.
Directions : Method 1 Progress through Delta Halo until you come to an area with a large central structure that has a multitude of columns the place with the many stationary shield generators. This is the area where Cortana tells you that they are all pouring out of the middle. When you first get into this area, you have to go left, and there is a ramp on the left that goes up and then back down.
Get on this ramp and continue up the wall until you are on the landing where there will be or used to be some Plasma Turrets. Follow this landing all the way to its end, and you'll see a door that is blocked off by a large stone. Jump on top of the stone, and jump again to get on a thin ledge. Make sure you're up against the left wall, and Grenade Jump up to the top of the wall to your left.
Once you're on this wall, you'll see that the right wall ends and there is some earth behind it. Jump onto the dirt, and follow the stone wall all the way to the top. When you're on the top of this wall, you can look down towards the center and you should see two Stealth Elites repeating their "angry stance" towards each other with the Envy skull between them.
Note: They will not attack you, even if you shoot at them. But if they are killed they will fire their weapons randomly before they hit the ground, which can hurt you. Instead of going directly down into the gulch, drive along the right ledge to a bush that the skull is sitting behind. Fairly late into the level, you'll find this skull in the hanger where the marines get ambushed.
You can actually access it early by bum-rushing the locked door and running in when enemies jump out. Right at the start of The Silent Cartographer, ignore the beach assault and walk backward. Once around the mountain, you'll spot a small hill in the middle of the beach. Walk around its base, climb the hill, and you'll spot this skull at the end. When going to the control room to unlock the security doors, this skull can be found on a distant platform outside.
You'll need to grenade or rocket jump to reach it, or can stack up on your friend in co-op. Another skull you'll need to grenade jump to. After crossing the first bridge and riding the elevator down, this skull can be found in the middle of the room inside of an opening. Use the picture to help you spot it. When traversing through the level, you'll come to a gorge that requires you to drive your tank across a bridge.
Kill all the enemies, then go back to the start and look at one of the pipes. You'll have to die to grab this or have your co-op partner wait for you. From the beginning, turn left and walk deep into the swamp. You'll find this behind some trees. Aim a grenade jump to land onto another raised platform and jump into the space where the Fog skull is resting. The Fog Skull disables the motion tracker. Players won't be able to detect any enemies around them and should be mindful of their surroundings.
Also found on the "Assault on the Control Room" level, the Malfunction Skull is on one of the pipes sticking out in the vast underground room. Walking along the edge of the bottomless pit before they cross the bridge, players will see it resting at the end of a pipe. Simply make sure not to miss and fall into the hole itself! It could be anything, from the ammo count to the shield bar or even the health bar. In the mission " Guilty Spark," turn around immediately. Walk in the direction the Pelican is facing and then to the right.
Walk along the water and in between some rocks until reaching a pair of trees connected by a vine. One tree is in the water, and the other is slightly raised on a hill. The Recession Skull is hidden behind that tree. The Recession Skull makes it so that every shot is worth twice the ammo. This can quickly lead to an ammo drain, especially if players are careless during firefights.
This skull is found in the back of a vent on the level "The Library. Use the flashlight and climb into the vent, the skull will be at the top.
The Black Eye Skull makes it so that the player's shield will not regenerate unless they melee attack an enemy. Players should be sure to keep an eye on that shield meter if they want to survive! At the very end of "The Library" on the 4th floor, the skull is behind the vertical beam of light. Walk around the edges of the room to the back so as not to trigger the checkpoint. The skull is between two black rectangular containers. Picking up this skull will disable all auto-aim features for weapons, increasing the player's chances of missing their shots.
The Pinata Skull is found during the mission "Two Betrayals. At the very end of "Two Betrayals," hijack one of the Banshees and use it to fly over to the top of this entrance. The Pinata Skull will be there on top of the entrance gate. This requires flying past the mission's objective. This skull makes it so that melee attacking enemies makes them drop grenades.