No artificial colors in this according to our last product update. Gum, mints and candy, while you're only consuming just a little bit, can have some added elements you don't want - like artificial colors.
Parents of children sensitive to artificial colors report reactions from tiny doses. Many people on special diets avoid them and others are actually allergic to them. And the good news is that this product has none! Hyperkinesis and learning disabilities linked to artificial food flavors and colors. Am J Nurs ; Pediatrics ; Kobylewski S, Jacobson M.
Toxicology of food dyes. Int J Occup Env Heal ; Lancet ; Do artificial food colors promote hyperactivity in children with hyperactive syndromes? A meta-analysis of double-blind placebo-controlled trials. J Dev Behav Pediatr ; Nonharmacological interventions for ADHA: Systematic review and meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials of dietary and psychological treatments.
Am J Psychiatry ; Clin Pediatr ; Relative effects of drugs and diet on hyperactive behaviors: An experimental study. They are not an endorsement or approval of the product or its manufacturer. The fewer points - the better. It is a petroleum derivative. The food industry pushed the FDA for years to get it approved as a preservative despite the fact that ingestion of large doses a thirtieth of an ounce can cause nausea, delirium, and ringing of the ears.
TBHQ cannot exceed 0. Contains high fructose corn syrup High fructose corn syrup HFCS is a highly processed ingredient manufactured from surplus corn, and yielding a cheap replacement to table sugar. Most scientists agree that HFCS is no better and no worse than plain sugar, though some newer studies seem to find the two affect the metabolism differently. Consumption of both should be drastically limited. Consumption of high-fructose corn syrup in beverages may play a role in the epidemic of obesity.
Am J Clin Nutr. Sugar-added beverages and adolescent weight change. Obes Res. Relative effects of drugs and diet on hyperactive behaviors: An experimental study. Saturated fats are the ones responsible for bad cholestrol buildup in our blood vessels, as well as contributing to coronary disease. They are not an endorsement or approval of the product or its manufacturer. The fewer points - the better. It is a petroleum derivative. The food industry pushed the FDA for years to get it approved as a preservative despite the fact that ingestion of large doses a thirtieth of an ounce can cause nausea, delirium, and ringing of the ears.
TBHQ cannot exceed 0. Highly Processed! This product is highly processed. If you'll take a look at its ingredient list, you'll discover new words to add to your vocabulary. Many of these ingredients are required to increase the shelf life of the product and improve the flavor that disappears when food is not fresh. Contains artificial flavors. Learn why Companies add artificial flavors to products to make them taste better.
They are created in a lab and the formulations are guarded as trade secrets. Flavorings can compensate for flavor loss during processing, substitute for ingredients, lower production costs and increase shelf stability. Artificial flavorings are cheaper to source than natural flavors and are perceived as "worse" than natural flavors. They are more stable and usually less chemically complex than natural flavors. Artificial flavors are not necessarily bad for you from a health perspective.
You can always contact the manufacturer for more information. Learn about soy lecithin, found here Lecithins are oily substances that occur naturally in plants soybeans and animals egg yolks. Soy lecithin possesses emulsification properties. It is also used in bakery items to keep the dough from sticking and to improve its ability to rise. Vanillin is fake vanilla Vanillin is chemically synthesized to taste like vanilla, but it's not the real deal.
Sodium Aluminum Phosphate This product contains sodium aluminum phosphate. Food manufacturers will tell you that this additive is not a problem. And yes, normally, people will have some amount of aluminum in their body by means of inhalation, ingestion or dermal contact.
The Department of Health and Human services says most this aluminum will leave your body quickly through feces, and the small amount that enters your bloodstream will leave via urine, but. Some research has implicated aluminum with Alzheimer's and research both supports and refutes this. Doctors blame aluminum of exacerbating the effects of kidney disease and causing bone or brain diseases.
Bottom line: There's no tangible benefit of consuming products with sodium aluminum phosphate. To err on the side of safety, particularly with products you consume everyday, choose ones without added aluminum. Serving Size: 1. Big Cup with Pretzels. Colliders Layered. Colliders Chopped. Peanut Butter Ice Cream Cake. Snack Cake. Hard Candies. Milk Chocolate Candies with Almonds. Gumdrops Jelly Pieces Candies. Sweet Chocolate Candies. Milk Chocolate Candies.
Add this item to my food diary date:. Hershey's Whozeewhatzit. See's Candies Sour Jelly Beans. Smart Sweets Cola Gummies. Trolli Sour Crunchy Crawlers.