Hindus pray in which direction

The prayers are given in Hindi, followed by English translations. Translation: We worship the three-eyed One Lord Siva Who is fragrant and Who nourishes well all beings; may He liberate us from death for the sake of immortality even as the cucumber is severed from its bondage to the creeper. Translation: I prostrate myself before the five-faced Lord of Parvati, who is adorned with various ornaments, who shines like the crystal jewel, who is seated peacefully in the lotus pose, with moon-crested crown, with three eyes, wearing trident, thunderbolt, sword and axe on the right side, who holds the serpent, noose, bell, damaru and spear on the left side, and who gives protection from all fear to His devotees.

Translation: I worship the lotus feet of Ganesha, the son of Uma, the destroyer of all sorrows, who is served by the host of gods and elementals, and who takes the essence of the kapittha-jarnbu fruit fruit resembling the bilwa fruit.

Translation: I know not any other Reality than the lotus-eyed Krishna with hands adorned with flute, looking like a heavy-laden cloud in lustre, wearing a yellow silk garment, with His lower lip like a ruddy bimba fruit, and with face shining like the full moon. Translation: One should meditate on Sri Ramachandra, with hands reaching the knees, holding the bow and arrows, seated in the locked-up lotus posture, wearing a yellow garb, with eyes vying with the newly-blossomed lotus petals, with a pleasant gait, who has Sita seated on His left thigh, who is blue like the clouds, who is adorned with all kinds of ornaments and having a big circle of Jata on the head.

Actively scan device characteristics for identification. Use precise geolocation data. Select personalised content. People follow Vastu as a major tool in co-coordinating a prayer space. According to Hindu mythology, the direction to which the pooja room situated finds its importance in Hindu houses.

Therefore, the pooja room is recommended to face east, north or northeast of the house. Sometimes, it is auspicious to place the pooja room in the center part of the house thereby the positive energy is radiated throughout the whole building of residence.

However, it is not possible for all to locate their pooja room at the center of their house. Thereby, following the positioning factor of the house, the pooja room is located and set up. Hindus follow various lead man ship where the God or Goddess is selected for worship. It is also advised to keep about the idols and images of the gods in the pooja place. Before setting up the prayer space at home, it is much needed to choose the auspicious direction to locate the pooja room.

Once the right choice of direction is chosen then begins the further arrangements like the placement of deities, pictures, idols, and Pooja accessories in the place of worship. Appropriate customs being maintained in the arrangement of the Pooja room in Hindu houses. Origin of Vastu Sastra helps people a lot in building a room or house or any other. Particularly speaking about pooja room, Vastu favors much that renders the best ideas to arrange or set up a prayer space at home.

Based on the science positioning of Gods and Goddess takes place. The placement of pictures and idols also plays a significant role and hence the same is followed in the pooja rooms. The principal gods like Lord Shiva, Lord Ganesh, and Parvathi Mata, Lord Vishnu are placed at the top of the room followed by the beloved gods that may vary among individuals.

Usually, these pictures and idols are recommended to place in the east-facing the direction that it imbibes the sunrays by all means. Once the sun rays imbibed that may create positive energy in the soul of the worshipper. Despite the east direction, the northeast is considered as the best auspicious one that it may drag the sunrays completely at dawn that transmits throughout the day.

Many rituals like chanting mantras, Paarayana, and devotional group worship by offering food substances like fruits are occurring while praying. In our hectic daily life we lose our mental peace. And that peace is obtained through praying.

Prayer is a sadhana that is devoid of restraints. Let us see when, where and how should we pray and whom should we pray. Just like chanting, the sadhana Spiritual practice of prayers can be performed at any place, such as in front of a Deity, in a house, in a courtyard, office, field, school, hotel, hospital, while traveling, sitting or lying in bed, etc. In the initial stage, it is better to pray in front of a Deity to attain concentration. Later, praying can be done in other places too.

Pray regularly, from morning till bed-time, not just during moments of sorrow but also during happy moments. To maintain consistency in prayers, develop a habit of praying every 10 minutes. Cite this Article Format. Rajhans, Shri Gyan. The Ramayana: Summary by Stephen Knapp. Heaven and Hell in Early Hindu Belief.

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