H3po4 why weak acid

Which acid is stronger HCl or h3po4? Phosphoric acid, when pure, is a solid at room temperature and normal pressure.

H3PO4 is the weakest of the acids. What are the strong bases? Strong bases are able to completely dissociate in water LiOH - lithium hydroxide. NaOH - sodium hydroxide. KOH - potassium hydroxide. RbOH - rubidium hydroxide. CsOH - cesium hydroxide. What is the pH of sodium carbonate? The PH value of Common Acids and Bases: Sodium carbonate, also known as washing soda, is a common ingredient in laundry detergents.

When dissolved in water, it tends to form solutions with pH values between 11 and Why is phosphoric acid used in food? Phosphoric acid, a common food additive, has been associated with decreased bone mineral density. A colorless, odorless substance, it is used in fertilizers and detergents as well as foods and beverages. Its purpose in the food industry is to give a sharp flavor to food or to serve as a preservative.

What is the pH of Koh? KOH is an example of a strong base, which means it dissociates into its ions in aqueous solution. Although the pH of KOH or potassium hydroxide is extremely high usually ranging from 10 to 13 in typical solutions , the exact value depends on the concentration of this strong base in water.

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The only weak acid formed by the reaction between hydrogen and a halogen is hydrofluoric acid HF. This is because the ClO3- ion is more stable than BrO3- ion because the negative charge on oxygen is reduced by stronger backbonding with Cl atom compared to Br atom because of large difference in energy level of Br and O.

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