Why is moderate alcohol good for you

Consuming moderate amounts of certain types of alcohol, such as wine, has shown some benefits. However, it is important to note that many studies making these claims are inconclusive.

When it comes to drinking alcohol and expecting a health benefit, moderation is the key. If you currently drink no alcohol at all, do not start because of the health benefits.

While consuming alcohol in moderation appears to have some benefits, it is important to remember that too much can be devastating for overall health and even life-threatening in the long run. Alcohol consumption has been linked to cancers of the breast, colon and rectum, liver, esophagus, voice box, throat, mouth, and probably the pancreas, according to the American Cancer Society.

During pregnancy, it increases the risk of pregnancy loss and of a child having growth and developmental problems in future. If you are becoming worried about the amount of alcohol you consume, you can ask your doctor about it. In this video, Dr. Bobby Lazzara explains the potential benefits of alcohol for your heart and emphasizes the importance of moderation. He also explains that the potential benefits are poorly studied and that the possible long-term benefits are outweighed by the more immediate health problems caused by binge drinking.

A new review finds the existing research to be biased and suggests that moderate drinking does not stave off heart disease after all. In a large-scale study, links between alcohol use disorder and dementia are fleshed out. The relationship is stronger than previously thought. Heavy drinking can increase the risk of all-cause death, but moderate alcohol consumption could have 'protective health effects,' study suggests.

In this way, folate is essential for accurate cell division. Alcohol blocks the absorption of folate and inactivates folate in the blood and tissues. Getting extra folate may cancel out this alcohol-related increase. Mixed drinks that add juice, tonic, or syrups will further drive up calories, increasing the risk of weight gain over time. However, a prospective study following almost 15, men at four-year periods found only an increased risk of minor weight gain with higher intakes of alcohol.

It was noted that calorie intake not from alcohol tended to increase along with alcohol intake. More than prospective studies show an inverse association between light to moderate drinking and risk of heart attack, ischemic clot-caused stroke, peripheral vascular disease, sudden cardiac death, and death from all cardiovascular causes. However, increasing alcohol intake to more than 4 drinks a day can increase the risk of hypertension, abnormal heart rhythms, stroke, heart attack, and death.

Learn more about the results of some large prospective cohort studies of alcohol consumption and cardiovascular disease. The connection between moderate drinking and lower risk of cardiovascular disease has been observed in men and women.

It applies to people who do not have heart disease, and also to those at high risk for having a heart attack or stroke or dying of cardiovascular disease, including those with type 2 diabetes, [32, 33] high blood pressure, [34, 35] and existing cardiovascular disease.

The idea that moderate drinking protects against cardiovascular disease makes sense biologically and scientifically. Moderate alcohol consumption has also been linked with beneficial changes ranging from better sensitivity to insulin to improvements in factors that influence blood clotting, such as tissue type plasminogen activator, fibrinogen, clotting factor VII, and von Willebrand factor. Among participants in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, consumption of alcohol on at least three or four days a week was inversely associated with the risk for myocardial infarction.

The most definitive way to investigate the effect of alcohol on cardiovascular disease would be with a large trial in which some volunteers were randomly assigned to have 1 or more alcoholic drinks a day and others had drinks that looked, tasted, and smelled like alcohol but were actually alcohol free.

Many of these trials have been conducted for weeks, and in a few cases months and even up to 2 years, to look at changes in the blood, but a long-term trial to test experimentally the effects of alcohol on cardiovascular disease has not been done. A recent successful effort in the U. Although the proposal was peer-reviewed and initial participants had been randomized to drink in moderation or to abstain, post hoc the NIH decided to stop the trial due to internal policy concerns.

Unfortunately, a future long trial of alcohol and clinical outcomes may never be attempted again, but nevertheless, the connection between moderate drinking and cardiovascular disease almost certainly represents a cause-and-effect relationship based on all of the available evidence to date.

The emphasis here, as elsewhere, is on moderate drinking. A drink before a meal can improve digestion or offer a soothing respite at the end of a stressful day; the occasional drink with friends can be a social tonic. These physical and social effects may also contribute to health and well-being. Instead, it is influenced by several genes that interact with each other and with environmental factors.

There is also some evidence that genes influence how alcohol affects the cardiovascular system. An enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase helps metabolize alcohol. Moderate drinkers who have two copies of the gene for the slow-acting enzyme are at much lower risk for cardiovascular disease than moderate drinkers who have two genes for the fast-acting enzyme. This adds strong indirect evidence that alcohol itself reduces heart disease risk.

The benefits and risks of moderate drinking change over a lifetime. In general, risks exceed benefits until middle age, when cardiovascular disease begins to account for an increasingly large share of the burden of disease and death.

Because each of us has unique personal and family histories, alcohol offers each person a different spectrum of benefits and risks. The contents of this website are for educational purposes and are not intended to offer personal medical advice.

You should seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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Dietary Guidelines: a comment on Dawson and Grant external icon. J Stud Alcohol Drug ; A population-based case-crossover and case-control study of alcohol and the risk of injury.

Alcohol-attributable cancer deaths and years of potential life lost in the United States. Get Email Updates. To receive email updates about this page, enter your email address: Email Address. What's this? Links with this icon indicate that you are leaving the CDC website. Linking to a non-federal website does not constitute an endorsement by CDC or any of its employees of the sponsors or the information and products presented on the website.

You will be subject to the destination website's privacy policy when you follow the link. Overview of the risks and benefits of alcohol consumption. Tangney CC, et al. Cardiovascular benefits and risks of moderate alcohol consumption. Facts about aging and alcohol.

National Institute on Aging. Older adults. Alcohol's effects on the body. Bell S, et al. Association between clinically recorded alcohol consumption and initial presentation of 12 cardiovascular diseases: Population based cohort study using linked health records.

Department of Health and Human Services and U. Department of Agriculture. Drinking and driving: A threat to everyone. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Hoffman HS, et al.

Management of moderate and severe alcohol withdrawal syndromes. Chang G. Alcohol intake and pregnancy. Kunzmann AT, et al. The association of lifetime alcohol use with mortality and cancer risk in older adults: A cohort study.

PLOS Medicine. Vos T, et al. Alcohol use and burden for countries and territories, — A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study The Lancet. Alcohol and cancer risk. National Cancer Institute. Wilkinson JM expert opinion.


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