Why does love hurts

Emotions are a physical phenomenon," he says. One of the bigger takeaways, MacDonald continues, is that these love-induced pains are functional. These negative emotions are part of an adaptive response and healing process," he says. Try to understand why the need is so great. There's something going on here that's bigger than this particular relationship. In honor of Valentine's Day, we're spending the week debunking myths and lies about romance. Read the rest of our " Love is a Hoax " coverage here.

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We asked a social psychologist. February 14, , pm. Why Is Love So Painful? To find another that knows this life is once in my lifetime. Here is my email and you can contact me anytime. So for me I hope you know that people like me need others that have been to those places also. So thank you for sharing your story and I would love to chat if you ever get bored. Love, forgiveness, and God are always with us. I have experienced bad ear aches depression since the loss of love, medication has helped with the pain an depression,but the no love still emotionally hurts.

I am so sorry that happened. It is horrible and it is something that should never had happened to you. I am glad you are alive and I really hope you get to live a happy and safe life with people who love and trust you. Im so sorry you had to experience this. You are a survivor. Hi, check out the ACE study. There is a great deal of strong correlation with early childhood stressors and physical illness.

One year ago ex dumped me after 4 years together, my grandma died last year and my lovely dog girl I was so attached to, my only friend, this year. My son suffers from deep schizophrenia and is in hospital now. My financial situation is crap. How much more can you take? Recently I was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. Broken heart…. Do you heal your stomach cramps? I have the same from many years.

Im feel this day by day. I was with my mum when she arrested and passed away. At the same time my mum was arresting I had chest pain. I was adopted from Russia when I was 2 years old. I live in Iowa a d I keep thinking about her. My heart aches not knowing wether she loved me or not. I believe your birth mother must have loved you very much to want you to have more than she could ever give you.

I have never had a child, but adopted one myself and I hope you will be comforted by this. Prayer and silence helps. I need to discipline myself to pray and to intentionally seek silence. How can u reach out to someone who you cant see hold or hear bit want so bad that aline kills you. When you had been betrayed by a partner the betrayer and the betrayed are both hurting..

Its one of the most painful things to deal with when people fall out of love.. Crying is not a sign of weakness. Only you know you.. It takes someone who has walked down a similar broken path to understand. True, only you can know yourself. My wife died in September I watched her die twice: once on our couch as the paramedics worked on her and then when they removed life support.

I am still overwhelmed with the pain of losing her. My head aches and my chest hurts every time I think of her. My blood pressure is through the roof. The V. We were both disabled veterans and there are times I wonder if their lack of care for her pushed her over. Counselors have been no help whatsoever.

All I know is I hurt so much and I wish she were here,. God really soes live. I found this article because I wanted to know why love and precisely what you have been talking about, lost love hurts so badly physically. I lost my mother three years ago she was only 42 and i still think about her every day. The only thing i believe is she had 3 different liver diseases none of which born of alchohol abuse, she never drank and each disease a great pain on its own. I have been married for 14 years but been with my husband for 23 years and I found out about him cheating.

So the initial shock of it, I felt like he literally died, I mean I was in full on mourning. I did not understand but reading about all this it makes sense. Evolution is a double edged sword, no doubt. Time for this pain to end!!! Though I can see how that works. I have to be honest with myself about reality. I hope you have found peace after your loss. My husband died just a few days after you posted your comment I wanted to die as well, if no other reason than to stop the very physical pain.

It has almost been 2 years and I can honestly say it does get better. I knew my husband would not want me to be miserable and give up a life he was denied so I set out to be happy, for him. I still have sad moments thinking of what could have been but the pain is gone and life goes on. It comes as no surprise to me that science had findings connecting loss and physical pain. I have been running from emotional wounds surrounding abandonment all my life, as well as addictive behavior.

I first became hooked on opiates in my early twenties. I always felt I was stuffing my emotions. I dont understand what all these strange studies trying to proove…whatever, they r not going to lessen the pain anyway.

Its there to stay…no one can help me and i cannt live with this distress for all life…hurting n feeling robbed of all my emotions and feelings. This god thing and his plan…i simply dont agree with.

My husband and I have been married for 7 years recently his oldest daughter 17 going to live with us. My husband has severe PTSD and has had a couple of brain injuries from being deployed overseas. I hate how this feels. My heart and my soul feel literally broken. Stay strong. No one deserves any kind of abuse no matter what someone went through. It feels like hell now but in time it will get better. But you have to stay away and start anew.

Just keep moving little steps each day. I felt pain in my chest and stomach every day for at least 2 years and now that we are broken up I still feel it. That must be really hard for you because raising a child up on your own must really be stressful but just stay strong and give the best to your child.

Also know that people change throughout their lives and you can never live a perfect live. I hope everything will become easier for you. Kayla, I am not sure if you will see this but I want you to know this same thing happened to me. You have to find a way to not see him. Find someone else to love. It will be a hard journey but trust me, you will love some one else one day. I will pray for you and your daughter.

Im so in love with a younger man 15 years my junior but we are so in love. Hes going away for a while back to Pakistan from Uk. The thing is we are not intouch at the moment and are saying nasty things to each other. I think its because we dont want to part so its easier to not see each other. Were soul mates and so in love so why is it like this. I just fell in love maybe for the first time. Inoticed my body aches for him. Was hoping I found true love….. Was wondering ,so comparing notes.

So sorry for the ones hurting from losses…. He really can make a difference…He is the healer!!! If so please let me know and thank you.

I couldnt get past the part where the scientist inflicted pain on animals by taking them away from their mothers. All that pain inflicted just so he could put a name on something we all, already knew.

When my ex of 3 years broke up with me, I became physically and psychologically ill. I had serious panic attacks and I developed a sinus infection that got so bad my mother had to carry me to the car and take me to the hospital.

They told me if I had waited longer I would have died. I think my immune system was lowered because of heart break. It took me almost six years to fall in love with someone else. I still think about my ex daily.

However I now love my husband. It is just so relieving to find an honest thread of people here. Because you can never know the answer to these questions, you might fret and worry about what lies ahead of you. Yours might be the type of mind that drifts toward the negative. If so, your anxiety might be great.

Every second that you spend thinking such thoughts is a second that you suffocate the love you feel. You may know this from a rational perspective, but you struggle to not let it feed into how you think and act toward them. This pain has its roots in other parts of your life, but the branches can grow and slowly block out the light shining on your current relationship.

Or maybe you recognize that the way you are living your life is not in tune with who you are at your core. Not only the changes within yourself discussed above, but practical changes to your life in general. Watching yourself change and your life change can be daunting. It can cause conflicting feelings.


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